"As for Maidenhead, the conga (which was amusing) aside, some of the oddest chants I've ever heard at a football match" ~ localboy86, Apr. 2015

Thursday, 3 February 2011

'82-ers, you're havin' a laugh...


There, I've said it. I feel better.

Sort of...

OK so it's hardly news is it, albeit it's worth reiterating, merely as some weird therapeutic notion that, by at least recognising the problem, you can then start to deal with it, eh?

Except I can't.

Me and millions of others of football fans in this country continue to be mugged, nay abused, indeed robbed, by modern day Dick Turpin's with the trade of a small square of paper for an ever increasing pile of money, and for what? A load of bloated wallets-on-legs, kicking a bag of wind around an oblong piece of grass (if you're lucky), all in the name of so-called 'entertainment'. And I use that word very loosely. Very. In which other country would you find Division 6 footballers with agents, I ask you?!

Come on. I go to Marks and Sparks and hand over the thick end of £30 and I get food, wine, new pants, whatever. Go to a football match in this country and you're likely to get people who've spent more time practising their goal celebrations than their supposed-craft.

With top flight football in England costing as much for 2 or 3 games as the cheaper season tickets in most of the other major leagues throughout the world (well, someone's got to pay Wayne Rooney's 'massage' bills, eh?), one saving grace for the new breed of 'soccer' fan is the relative improvement in the surroundings one can now witness the spectacle that is match day.

No more need to pee in someone else's pocket on a decrepit terrace which looks like it could collapse as a result of any ill-advised charge down the steps. All-seater stadia have seen the increase in families and women attending games which, most will agree, can't be a bad thing. Inclusive instead of exclusive, if that's the right word.

Except no one seems to have told Bristol City (1982) Limited, to give them their full name - if you're a Rovers fan that is. Actually, for City, read Sh!tty.

Now England's failed 2018 World Cup bid may have curtailed BCFC (1982) Ltd's ambitions to move to a brand new ground, meaning that they may have neglected Ashton Gate somewhat as a result, but my flabber has never been so ghasted as it was when I got my ticket for the forthcoming Bristol City vs Leeds United game.

£25 quid, plus £1.50 Bates-tax. Ohhh...kay then. Paid more for second tier football I suppose.

But what's this?

Please note that seats in this stand have no backs and some seats have obscured views.

What?!? I'm paying four gallons of petrol (umm...poor analogy currently), no, nearly nine pints of beer to possibly see a game of football.

The seat-back I can live without, to be honest, as there's very little chance of me sitting down at the game anyway, except at half time. Don't like it? Go and talk to Rasher...

No, it's the possibility of not seeing something I've paid a pretty penny to see.

Sh!tty. You're havin' a laugh...

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