"As for Maidenhead, the conga (which was amusing) aside, some of the oddest chants I've ever heard at a football match" ~ localboy86, Apr. 2015

Friday, 28 March 2014

I'm lucky my Chairman knows his jewellery

However, the bottom line is that we're now staring relegation in the face and are odds on to start next season in the Southern League, where he found us. (As Hayes & Yeading - his former club, sort of; in all likelihood still in the Conference South - make themselves at home on the Bell End every other week.)

It's high time for a few home truths, IMO, bearing in mind six successive defeats (five at home, all to last-minute goals, with the other loss being a 6-1 hammering at Bromley) and the usual guff in the local rag ...

"I'm a manager that's not used to failure"

"In my opinion I've not done a lot wrong"

That man talks bollocks.

"The real Maidenhead United supporters"

That man talks bollocks.

"Injuries have cost us"

That man talks bollocks.

"A win changes everything"

That man talks bollocks.

"We need to win games soon because if we don't it will be too late"

No sh!t, Sherlock.

"We're looking at the sky and thinking what's going on?"

That man talks bollocks.

"They (Eastbourne) were begging for the final whistle near the end"

That man talks bollocks.

"We murdered them really"

That man talks bollocks.

"(I) can't remember a run like this"

That man talks bollocks.

"People say you make your own luck but that's a lot of rubbish because it's been much worse than that for us"

That man talks bollocks.

"The great escape is still on"

That man talks bollocks.

Fingers crossed!


P.S. Anyone wondering about the blog post title obviously missed 'Inside Boodles' on Channel 4 last Sunday. (PG didn't say much anything, TBF, and was eclipsed by UL's sunshine yellow dress.)

Monday, 17 March 2014

Drax Excuse Bingo (again)

I've long suspected that Drax is in on the joke.

Proof, last week, that the Advertiser is too?

We were also informed 'Griffin encouraged by FA's stance on 3G pitches':

'Long-time advocate', eh?

Define 'long-time' … and please explain how the 'it comes down to when are the FA going to allow us' comment is relevant, bearing in mind that others (Durham, Maidstone, Merthyr) already have one??

(In all seriousness, click here for further reading on this intriguing topic)

I initially misread the above article's final sentence, incidentally, as follows:

Laying down a new artificial pitch, Griffin said, is a phase of Maidenhead United's second five-year plan.

An easy mistake to make, of course, as the current five-year plan isn't the first.

I seem to recall Educated Left Foot revealing an outline of the previous one, following a meeting he'd had with PG, shortly after Pharmalink assumed control of the club back in 2006.

Has anyone got a transcript? (Club Shop Guy?)

I would (genuinely) be interested to see how that one panned out …

PS. Someone recently asked me - with a smile, perhaps understandably, etched upon their face - why I had yet to comment, on the blog, re. the Railway side Stand coming down. Seeing the photos, earlier in the month, actually evoked in me a tinge of nostalgia and prompted the following Tweet:

As it is, this post - from July 2012 - still stands (pun intended).

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Counting (claret and blue) chickens?

Regarding the prize, highlighted above, what happens if Villa are relegated??

Even allowing for today's result, it's not beyond the realms of possibility. 

They are, after all, managed by a bloke who has previously described W@nky Wanderers as a 'great club'
